Spark Hire's View Jobs page provides a streamlined approach to configuring and inviting candidates to complete assessments directly within your job settings. This page focuses on a job-centric approach that aligns with users’ familiarity with job-level configurations in their ATS.
To access any job:
From the left-side menu, click Jobs > View jobs. You’ll be redirected to the Jobs page.
Find the relevant job from the list (you can use the filters on the right to help you find the specific job you’re looking for quicker) and click View.
The View Job page is divided into two major sections.
- Job details: At the top, you’ll find the job title and the option to invite candidates together with additional options listed below.
- Job tabs: Right below, you’ll see six different tabs: Overview, Assessments, Details, Setup, Intro & Outro Videos, and Deadline Extension.
Job details
In addition to viewing the job title, you can invite candidates to this job by clicking on the Invite button at the top.
when you click on the three dots on the far right (…), you can:
- Deactivate the job.
- Create an assessment link.
- Clone the job
- View assessments for that job
- View the job’s analytics
- Delete the job
Job tabs
The Overview tab provides a comprehensive view of job-related details. This section is divided into two sections:
At the top:
- Details: View job-specific information, including the job title, creation date, manager, and last update.
- Status: Easily view and update the job's status. Activate or deactivate the job by clicking the button on the status tile.
- Interview link: Create, edit, and share the interview link for this job.
- Acceptance rate: Track how many candidates have accepted the interview out of those invited.
- Completion rate: Monitor how many interviews have been completed out of the total invited candidates.
- At the bottom, you'll find the candidate list for the job, showing each candidate’s current status. From here, you can click to view a candidate's completed assessments, access and edit their profile, or update their disposition. You can also invite new candidates to the job.
In this new design, one-way video interviews and predictive assessments are organized under the assessments tab, simplifying the process of setting up and inviting candidates directly from the view job page. Here’s a breakdown of the main updates:
Manage job assessment
- Select the default assessment types you want to set for this job. These settings help you streamline the candidate invitation process by pre-configuring all necessary assessments:
- For One-Way Video Interview: Choose the questions candidates will answer during their interview. Select the View ↗️ button to verify the questions included in the selected question set. Learn more about Question sets.
- For Predictive Talent Assessment (PTA): Select a Predictive profile tailored to this job. Select the View ↗️ button to check the competencies included for that predictive profile. Learn more about PTA.
- Click Save to confirm and save the default assessments for this job.
When candidates are invited to this job, they’ll be required to complete the assessments saved here.
Structure candidate assessment collaboratively
- Choose whether to include Questionnaires and Scorecards in your candidate assessments to enhance evaluation consistency. These tools will then help your team provide structured feedback on job-specific requirements and candidate qualifications.
- For Questionnaire: Before starting the interview, candidates will complete a questionnaire with any additional information you require, such as a resume, contact details, visa status.
- For Scorecard: Choose the Scorecard you want to use to evaluate key traits and qualifications for this job.
- Click Save to apply these evaluation tools for this job.
The Details tab lets you view and edit the initial content candidates will see when they open their interview invitation, such as job title, location, and description.
- Job Title: The title of the position being offered.
- Location: Choose from location types including On-site, Remote, and Hybrid.
- Default Timezone: For remote positions, specify the timezone that will be used for the deadline in the invitation email.
- Description: Provide an overview of the role, expectations, and key details.
- Brand: Select the brand or company associated with the job posting.
Control who can access assessments and information related to a specific job. As an Admin user, you can set default user permissions for all new jobs created in your account.
Manager: By default, the Manager is the user who creates the job. An Admin can change the job’s manager at any time.
- Everyone—Any user on the account can access this job’s information.
- Manager only—Only the manager and account Admin can access this job’s information.
- Specific people—Access is limited to selected users or user groups.
Intro & outro videos
The Intro & Outro Videos tab lets you view and manage the intro and outro videos for a specific job.
An intro video is a short clip shown before candidates start their interview, providing a chance to introduce yourself, your company, and its culture. An outro video plays at the end of the interview, allowing you to thank candidates for their time and explain next steps.
- To add job-specific intro and outro videos when default videos are already set at the company level, toggle on Override default videos to upload unique videos for this job.
- Record or upload your chosen intro and outro videos.
- Click Save to confirm your changes.
Deadline extension
Managing deadline extensions in Spark Hire involves control at two different levels: the company level and the job level. This tab allows you to manage the deadline extension at the job level, set up new rules that will only apply to that specific job, and override the default company-level settings.
Extension settings
- If you wish to set up different settings for the job, toggle the switch to Override default extension settings and then configure the deadline extension request settings.
- Choose how you want to manage deadline extension requests.
- Click Save.
Pending requests
Under Pending requests, you can see the details of all requests including the candidate's name, original deadline, date, and reason for the extension request.
Invite candidates to assessments
After setting up your job’s assessments, details, intro and outro videos, and deadline extensions, you can start inviting candidates by clicking Invite at the top of the page.
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