Spark Hire Meet Help Center

User Groups

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated
User groups enable you to bundle multiple users together so when you set up user permissions on a job, you can select multiple users at a time versus doing it one-by-one.

User groups can only be created and edited by Administrator users. 
Each group has a name, description, avatar (optional), and selected users.
User groups can be created and edited by Administrator users from Settings > User Groups.

Let's walk through creating a new group.

1. Enter a Group Name. The name is what you'll type when setting up user permissions on a job so keep it brief, but make sure you'll recognize the group by just the name.

2. Add a Group Description. The description is displayed on the main page for User Groups. If you have groups with similar names, the description helps you tell them apart when looking at a large number of groups on a page.

3. Select the users you'd like to add to the group. The users you select will be the ones who get access to information that's accessible to the group. Click the checkbox next to a user's name to add them to the group.

4. When you're done, click Create User Group.


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