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Candidate questionnaire

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

What is the candidate questionnaire?

Before a candidate enters their interview, they will be prompted to add or update the information that you request in a questionnaire. The goal is to help you compile accurate contact information along with fuller profiles of your candidates.

What information can I request?

A questionnaire can contain up to 15 questions and the response type can vary.

By default, your subscription comes with the ability to ask for the following information:

  • Name: When this is turned on, candidates will be asked to confirm their name. This gives them an opportunity to make updates for name changes and/or typos.
  • Email: When this is turned on, candidates will be asked to confirm their email. This gives them an opportunity to make updates if they have a new email or if there's a typo.
  • Phone: This can be turned to Optional or Required. The candidate will be prompted to enter a phone number.
  • Profile Picture: This can be turned to Optional or Required. The candidate will be prompted to add a picture.
  • Resume: This can be turned to Optional or Required. The candidate will be prompted to upload a resume.

By purchasing the Advanced Questionnaire add-on, you can customize questions with different response types such as:

  • Single line text: Create a question to which candidates will respond with a maximum of 255 characters.
  • Paragraph text: Create a question to which candidates will respond with a maximum of 2,000 characters.
  • Dropdown: Create a list of values from which candidates will select one.
  • Number: Create a question to which candidates will respond with a numeric value.
  • Date: Create a question to which candidates will respond with a date.
  • Checkboxes: Create a question to which candidates will respond by selecting one or more answers
  • Radio button: Create a question to which candidates will respond by choosing a single option from multiple choices.
  • URL: Create a question to which candidates will respond by entering a URL.

To make a question required, select the checkbox next to Require an answer to this question when adding the question.

When you leave this unchecked, the candidate will be prompted to enter this information/upload the file before starting their interview, but can skip the step.

When you check the box, the candidate will be prompted to enter this information/upload the file before starting their interview and cannot skip the step. This means that they will not be able to enter their interview until this is finished.

We recommend making questionnaire fields that require a file (e.g. Resume or Profile Picture) "Optional" just in case candidates don't have the file they want readily available on the device they're interviewing from.

For questions with a response type of dropdown, checkbox, or radio buttons, you can denote specific response options as incorrect which will flag them in red when you receive the completed interview. To do this, simply click the flag icon next to the response you want to denote as an incorrect option.

When you're satisfied with your questionnaire, click Continue and you'll be prompted to configure permissions for the questionnaire before saving and creating it.

Using a questionnaire

There are two ways to utilize a questionnaire:

1. Default questionnaire

Your default candidate questionnaire is automatically applied to all of the jobs on your account unless you decide to override it when creating/editing a job.

To modify your default candidate questionnaire, go to Jobs > Default Settings > Default Questionnaire as an Administrator user on your account.

2. Job-specific questionnaire

When creating a job, the 4th step is called Questionnaire.

To override your default questionnaire, click the toggle next to Override default questionnaire and make your desired changes.

If you're editing a job, you can modify the questionnaire for the job by opening the overview and going to the Questionnaire section.

Viewing the results of the questionnaire

When watching an interview, click the Questionnaire tab to see the candidate's responses.

For dropdown, checkbox, and radio button response types, the highlighted response(s) are what the candidate selected and any red flags indicate the answers that you denoted as incorrect ones.

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