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Intro and Outro Videos

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

The intro and outro video features were built to help improve the candidate experience of your one-way interviews.

When you attach an intro video to a job, it will play before all one-way interviews for that job. This is an excellent chance for you to introduce yourself, the company, and give the candidate a feel for your organization's culture.

An outro video that's attached to a job will play after all one-way interviews for that job. This is a nice opportunity to thank your candidates for their time and provide them with the next steps.

Using default intro and outro videos

As an Administrator user on your organizations account, you can set up default intro and outro videos that will be used for every job.

1. Go to Jobs > Default Settings > Default Intro and Outro Videos.

2. Click Add Video under either Default Intro or Outro Video. From here, you have the option to record a new video or use one that you've previously recorded/uploaded to your video library.

3. Once you've selected your videos, click Save and your default videos will now be used for all jobs on your account that don't have custom videos.

Customizing intro and outro videos per job

1. When creating a job, the 3rd step is called Intro and Outro Videos.

2. To override your default intro and outro videos, click the toggle next to Override default videos.


If you don't have a default intro or outro video, simply click Add video. If you have a default or intro video, click Change video to select a new one.

3. From here, you have the option to record a new video or use one that you've previously recorded/uploaded to your video library.

If you're editing a job, you can navigate to the Intro and Outro Videos tab on the job overview.




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