Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Create a job

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

To keep your interviews organized and your candidates informed, you'll create a job description before you start inviting candidates.

1. Visit your Jobs page.

2. Click Create new job.

3. The first step is to enter the job details which include job title, location, description and brand. Click Continue.

  • Location types include On-site, Remote, and Hybrid.
  • If using a Remote location type, you will need to designate the time zone that will be used for the deadline in the invitation email.

4. After entering the job details, you'll be prompted to configure:

  • Permissions: lets you control which users on your account have access to information related to the job.
  • Intro and Outro Videos: You have the ability to add candidate experience videos on the next step. An intro video is a brief video that appears before your candidates do their interview for you whereas an outro video plays at the end of a candidate's interview.
  • Questionnaire: Before a candidate enters their interview, they will be prompted to add or update the information that you request in a questionnaire (e.g. a resume).

Administrator users on your account can configure defaults for Permissions, Intro and Outro Videos, and the Questionnaire. This makes creating a job a breeze and ensures a standard candidate experience across your organization (see the relevant help articles above which contain info on configuring defaults).

5. On the final step, you'll see an option to save the job as active (if you have available job slots) or inactive. Saving the job as active allows you to start interviewing for it right away. Saving it as inactive is effectively saving it as a draft to be used later.

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