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Filtering and sorting your video library

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

You’re able to filter your video library similar to how you can filter other lists throughout the Spark Hire application. Here are the definitions of the different upload statuses:

Filtering options

  • Status: This is the current status of the video.
  • Type: This is how you categorized the video when recording or uploading it.
  • Views: These are pre-defined views so you can see all of your videos or deleted videos.

Status Definitions

  • Completed: This means the video is done processing and is available for use.
  • Processing: This means the video is uploaded, but is still processing and isn’t ready to be used.
  • Failed: This means the video failed when uploading. It will need to be re-uploaded.


When you categorize a video under a certain type, it can still be used for any video-related feature on Spark Hire. However, it's helpful to set a type if the video you're adding to your library is going to be consistently used for a specific feature. This makes it easy to filter your list of videos when you want to just look at videos that are intended for a specific use case.

Sorting options

  • Created at: The time the video was created at (recorded or uploaded.)
  • Type: This is how you categorized the video when recording or uploading it.
  • Status: This is the current status of the video.
  • Size: This is the size of the video file you recorded or uploaded.
  • Created by: This will sort the list of videos in alphabetical order by the user that created the video.

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