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Audio Troubleshooting in Live Interview

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

The following 5 factors are the most important ones to consider when optimizing your live video interview experience.

1. Browser
2. Internet Connection
3. Microphone and Speakers
4. Using a Headset
5. Other Applications

1. Browser

The most recent versions of the following browsers are what we recommend using:

Google Chrome 
Microsoft Edge (Windows only)

2. Internet Connection
A good internet connection is required for a successful Live Interview. When using a desktop or laptop computer, it is suggested that you are directly connected to the internet through a cable not via WiFi. Using a direct connection will ensure that you have the best possible bandwidth available and reduces latency issues to a minimum. This will result in better picture and audio quality.

If using an Android or iOS mobile device, we suggest being connected to WiFi rather than a mobile data connection.

3. Microphone and Speakers

Microphone volumes are important when participating in a live video interview. Getting the most out of your interview can require some changes to your microphone input and sometimes your speaker volumes.

When beginning your Live Interview, it can be helpful to keep your microphone volume low, and adjust it once you have entered the interview. It is also helpful to keep your speaker volume low when you first begin, and adjust it after entering your interview. This can help reduce echoing during the recording.

4. Using a Headset

We highly recommend using headphones or a headset. A headset can reduce feedback from your speakers entering an open microphone. If you experience a lot of echoing and have adjusted your microphone input and speaker output, another alternative is to use a headset or headphones. This separates the audio coming from the speakers and your microphone and can improve the interview experience in some situations.

5. Other Applications

Close applications other than Spark Hire that use your webcam and microphone. These applications such as Skype, Facetime, and Zoom may interfere with Spark Hire's ability to leverage your webcam and microphone.

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