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Tags overview

Laura Dominoni
Laura Dominoni
  • Updated

Tags help you organize your interviews into specific and customizable categories. Think of them as folders, except that you can apply multiple tags to one interview, making it easier to manage and categorize them.

Tags also help declutter your interviews page. By default, your view is set to "Untagged," so when you load your Interviews page, you'll see all interviews without any tags applied. Applying a tag to an interview removes it from this default view, keeping your workspace tidy and organized.

Some examples of ways to use tags to organize interviews include:

  • By department/function – For example, Sales, Marketing, K-12
  • By location/region/branch – For example, Northwest, Scranton Branch, Chicago Office
  • By Hiring manager/client – For example, Submitted to Hiring Manager, Submitted to Client

Apply tags to interviews

  1. There are two places in Spark Hire from where you can tag an interview:

    1. From the Interviews page: Select all the relevant interviews you want to tag and click the 🏷️tag icon that appears at the top of the page.

      Tags overview 1.png

    2. From the View assessment page: When evaluating an interview, scroll down to find the Tags tab and click on the text field.

      Assessment view page 11.png

  2. Start typing to display matching tags.

  3. Select the relevant tag from the dropdown to apply it.

  4. Click Save.

If you don’t find the tag you’re looking for, you can always create a new one.

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