Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Get your scheduling link

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

Creating your scheduling link

To start using the scheduler, go to the scheduler page within the application and click Start using the scheduler

On the next page, you'll be prompted to customize the end of your scheduler url. This full url is what you will send to people you want to book events with.

Your scheduler URL must be unique. A green checkmark will appear next to the input if the url you want is available.

When creating your scheduling link, you'll also be asked to select a timezone. This timezone will be used when you preview your scheduling page and when you manage your scheduler events. 

Once you're satisfied with your scheduling link, click Create.

Edit your scheduling link

You always have the ability to edit the url for your scheduling link. The important thing to keep in mind is that once you change your link, someone else can claim your url. In addition, your original scheduling link will not re-direct to the new one so people who you have sent your old link to will not be able to access your scheduling page. Therefore, we recommend keeping the original link you configured.

To edit your scheduling link, go to Scheduler > Setup > General.

Click Edit next to your current link and enter the new url you'd like to use for your scheduling link. 

When you're satisfied with your new scheduling link, click Save.

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