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Edit a video message

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

To edit a video message, go to your video messages and click Edit next to the video message you want to modify.

When editing a video message, you can modify the following:

Under the Content tab

Headline: The headline is the content that appears above the video on your video message. To edit the headline, start typing in the text area above the video.

Video Playlist: The video playlist contains all videos added to the video message. Click this to add more videos, swap out videos, or record new ones to include in the video message.

Supporting Content: The supporting content is the content that appears below the video on your video message. To edit the supporting content, start typing in the text area below the video.

File: You can include a file along with the video. Click on the switch next to “Attach a file to this video message” to enable or disable file attachment. Supported file types include: .pdf, .png, .jpg, .doc, .docx

Under the Details tab

Label: The label is used in your list of video messages so it's easy for you to tell them apart. To edit the label, click the pencil icon next to the current label. Enter a new label in the modal and click Update.

Status: An active status will allow recipients to watch the video message. An inactive status will prevent the video message from being watched.

Expiration date: The expiration date can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon. This will allow you to add a new expiration date or adjust an existing one.

When you're satisfied with all of your edits, click Save.

It's important to know that you cannot edit the type of video message (Public or Private) once it's created.

You're also unable to change anything about the recipient for a Private Video Message.

Learn about the other actions you can perform on video messages in this article about managing your video messages.

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