Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Create a Public Video Message

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated


Go to your video messages and click Create video message(s)

Enter a Video Message Label so it's easy for you to identify this video message in a list and select Public as the type. Click Continue.

The first step when building your video message is to select which video you'd like to use. Click Select or record a video. You're then presented with two options:

  • Record New Video: This will let you use the Spark Hire video recorder to create a new video.
  • Select From Library: This will open a list of all the videos in your video library so you can select ones you've previously added to Spark Hire.

Once you've selected the video(s) to use, you can add a headline and supporting content. These are optional, but allow you to customize the content that surrounds your video message.

If you’ve included multiple videos, you will be able to manage them from the Video Playlist.  Here, you can re-order the videos, add, remove, and edit videos.

To add a headline, click inside the text area that says Add a headline for this video message (optional).

To add supporting content, click inside the text area that says Add supporting content for this video message (optional).

Beneath the supporting content, you will have the option to include a file.  To do this, click on the switch next to Attach a file to this video message.  This will then allow you to add a file to the video message.

Supported file types include: .pdf, .png, .jpg, .doc, .docx


When you're satisfied with your video message, click Continue

The final step for creating your Public Video Message is to choose whether or not you want it to expire. Choose the expiration setting that you desire and click Create video message.

Your video message will be created and you can start sharing it by copying the URL that appears in the Link column.

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