Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Integration with JobAdder

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

Using the integration between Spark Hire and JobAdder, you’re able to:

  • Seamlessly schedule and review video interviews directly from JobAdder

Setting up the Integration:

  1. Log in to your Spark Hire account.
  2. Go to the integrations page for JobAdder in your settings.
  3. Click Activate Integration.
  4. Your Spark Hire User API Key will be generated. Copy this key.
  5. Log in to JobAdder and go to My Settings > Apps & Add ons > Spark Hire.
  6. Click Enable and go to Settings.
  7. Paste your Spark Hire User API key in the API field and click Save changes.

To see a brief demonstration of the configuration in JobAdder watch How to Setup the Spark Hire Integration on the JobAdder website.


Getting Started:


Process Steps:

Once configuration is complete, you can begin inviting candidates to interview.

  1. Navigate to the candidate’s record in JobAdder.  In the Actions menu for the candidate, select to schedule an interview and choose the option for a video interview.

  2. To schedule the interview select the following information:

    1. The Video Type for the interview (one-way or live)
    2. The Deadline (one-way) or the date and time you plan to connect with the candidate (live)
    3. The Spark Hire job the interview will be associated with
    4. The Spark Hire question set you want to use for the interview
    5. The Candidate you’d like to invite
    6. Any personalized message you’d like to include (*note* if you have a Spark Hire default interview template designated in your Spark Hire account, this message will override your default)

      When you are ready, click preview to view the interview details.


      If the interview details within the preview are correct, click to schedule the interview and the invitation will be sent from your organization via Spark Hire.


  3. You will now see the interview marked as requested in the JobAdder platform


  4. You will also be able to see the interview marked as Requested in the candidate’s record under Notes


  5. To add a column for video interview details to the candidate list for your job, go to the job record and click on the drop down menu on the column for candidate name.  Click on “show” and then select “video interview”.


    This column allows you to quickly identify which candidates have been invited to interview and which have completed their video interview.  To watch a completed interview, click on the link for the “Completed” interview.  


    The share link for the interview will pop up in a modal that allows you to quickly watch the complete interview.


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