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Create custom views on your interviews page

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

Views are essentially pre-set filters on your interviews. When you select a view in the right sidebar on your interviews page, it will load interviews that match the filters associated with the view.

The following views are already set up in your account, but you have the ability to create your own custom views.

  • Inbox: This is the default view for your interviews page and it shows your most engaged candidates that need your attention. Filters are pre-applied so you see interviews that are Requested, Accepted, Completed, and Undecided.

  • All Interviews: This shows all of your interviews.

  • Recently Completed: This shows your completed interviews and is sorted so the most recently completed ones are at the top.

  • Upcoming: This shows interviews that are Requested or Accepted and is sorted so the interviews that are coming up the quickest are at the top.

  • Untagged: This shows all interviews that have not been tagged.

  • Passed: This shows interviews that you or your team has evaluated as Passed.

  • Failed: This shows interviews that you or your team has evaluated as Failed.

  • Undecided: This shows interviews that you and your team have not evaluated.

  • Deleted: This shows all of the interviews you have deleted.

How to create custom views

1. Apply filters to your list of interviews using the ones available in the right sidebar.


2. When you're satisfied with the filters you've applied, click New next to Views in the right sidebar.


3. In the modal that appears, confirm the filters you've applied are correct and then enter a name for your custom view. When you're done, click Save as new.


4. When the view is saved, it'll appear in your right sidebar. 


5. Your custom view is now ready to use!

Now that you've created the custom view, here are some actions you can perform:

Overwrite filters applied to view: Click the custom view and apply some new/additional filters. Hover over the custom view and click the pencil icon. Click Save and overwrite existing view.

Delete the view: Hover over the custom view you want to delete and click the delete icon. A modal will appear to ask you to confirm you want to delete the view.

Set the custom view as your new default view: Hover over the custom view that you want to set as the default view that loads on your interviews page. Click the star icon and then confirm in the modal that you want to set this custom view as your new default.

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