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Integration with MyRecruitment+

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated
  1. Log In to your Spark Hire account.
  2. Go to the Integrations page for MyRecruitment+ within your Spark Hire settings.
  3. Click Activate Integration.
  4. Your Spark Hire User API Key will be generated. Copy this key into the buffer.
  5. Login to MyRecruitment+.
  6. Open one of your candidate applications, against one of your jobs and go into the Video Interviews tab.
  7. When you're in the Video Interviews tab, click on the Settings icon.
  8. Paste your Spark Hire User API key in the API Key field and click on the "Save & Test" button.
  9. Spark Hire is now enabled! Click on the "New Video Interview" button to start your first Video Interview!

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