Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Integration with Top Echelon

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated


To integrate your Spark Hire account with Top Echelon, first navigate to the Top Echelon page within your integration settings in Spark Hire.

Here, click on Activate Integration.  This will generate an API key; copy this key.

Within Top Echelon, go to Settings, and then click on Spark Hire Integration, under the Addons & Integrations section.


On the following page, paste the API key in the field reading “Enter Spark Hire API Key” and click Save.

Sending Interviews

Within a candidate’s profile in Top Echelon, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Spark Hire integration.

Here, click on Schedule Interview to start creating an interview.  

This will bring up a modal where you can specify the job, interview type (Live or One-Way), question set, deadline (for One-Way Interviews) or interview time (for Live Interviews), and optional message to the candidate.  

The jobs and question sets available in the dropdown menus will be the same ones present in your Spark Hire account.

Click on Schedule Interview to send the interview invitation to the candidate.

Joining a Live Interview

If you create a Live Interview via the integration, you will have the option to join the interview directly from Top Echelon.  In the Spark Hire section at the bottom of the candidate profile, click on Join Interview.

 If you aren’t already logged into your Spark Hire account, this will prompt you to do so before being taken to the Live Interview.

Watching Completed Interviews

To access completed interviews within Top Echelon, navigate to the Spark Hire section at the bottom of the candidate’s profile.

Click on the Watch button for the interview you would like to view.

These links serve as a basic share link, so can be accessed by anyone on your team, even if they aren’t a user on your Spark Hire account.

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