Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Examples: Intro and Outro Videos

Emily Wengert
Emily Wengert
  • Updated

Intro Videos

An intro video plays at the beginning of your interview and sets the stage. We find the intro video has a positive impact on candidate engagement and encourage you to record your own.

You can either do job-specific intro video or a general one that can be applied to all jobs via your default settings.

Here are some things that most customers touch on in an intro video:

  • Greet the candidate and thank them for taking the time to interview
  • Share information about what makes your organization or job unique
  • Let the candidate know why you are using Spark Hire
  • A brief overview of the interview process

Outro Videos

Outro videos will automatically play when a candidate finishes their interview. Outro videos are a great way to conclude the Spark Hire interview, thank your candidate for their time, and also provide some next steps for them.

Below are some samples of outro videos from other Spark Hire customers for you to gain inspiration from.

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