Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Candidate analytics

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

The candidate analytics tab gives you visibility on key metrics related to candidates you’ve interviewed on Spark Hire. Candidates and interviews have a “parent and child” relationship meaning that multiple interviews can be related to a single candidate record. Therefore, candidate analytics are meant to show “final” metrics.

Below is a summary of each metric shown.

Overview: This shows the number of candidates with interviews scheduled during the date range selected.

Revenue: If you have logged placement fees for hires logged in Spark Hire, this is the revenue you have generated. The currency used can be adjusted at the top of the page.

Hires: This shows the number of candidates you have marked as hired on Spark Hire and whether they were internal or external hires.

Candidate Dispositions: This shows the breakdown of the candidate dispositions you have logged; Hired, Rejected, and Undecided.

Rejections: This shows the number of candidates you have rejected on Spark Hire broken down by rejection reason. This is broken down by rejection reason count and percentage.

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