Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Sending SMS Text Message Interview Updates

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

In addition to notifying your candidates that they’ve been invited to complete a One-Way video interview via email, you can also send an SMS text message to your candidates to notify them.

This feature is included in our Pro (at current pricing), Team, Growth, and Enterprise plans.


To do this, proceed to the Set a Deadline and Add Candidates step in creating a new One-Way Interview.  Beneath the Full name and Email fields, you will have the optional field Send SMS interview updates.


Here, you can select the country the phone number is for (this will default to the country you are in) and enter the candidate’s phone number.

Please note Spark Hire is unable send SMS messages to the following countries:

  • Bangladesh
  • Oman
  • Tajikistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Pakistan
  • Algeria
  • Nigeria
  • Tunisia
  • Russia
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Singapore
  • Isle of Man
  • Saudi Arabia 
  • Indonesia


Phone numbers can be added via the CSV upload tool, as well.

The CSV should contain either 2 or 4 columns. The first two are for the recipient's full name and their email address and are required. If you'd like us to also send interview invitations by text message, use the third column for a candidate's phone number, and the fourth column for the 2-letter country code of the phone number (for example: US for United States, AU for Australia). For a list of valid two-letter country codes, search for your country using this list.


Once all of the candidates have been added, you will need to check the box below the name, email, and phone number fields to confirm you have permission to contact candidates by SMS text message.


After that, you can click on Create Interview to send the invitation(s).

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