Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Adding questions to a Live Interview

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

When creating a Live Interview, you will be able to include a question set the host may reference throughout the interview.


On the Build Your Interview screen, you may:

  1. Add individual questions
  2. Add saved questions sets
  3. Save questions as a question set


This is an optional step in the Live Interview creation process, so you may click on Skip if you do not wish to include a question set.


To proceed to add candidate details and set a date and time for the interview, click on Continue.

Once in the interview, the host may:

  1. Click on the list icon on the left to open the question set
  2. Edit questions by clicking on the pencil icon
  3. Begin a question by clicking the circle to the right of the pencil.  Clicking this once the question has begun will mark the question as complete.
  4. Add new questions to the set.


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