Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Inviting candidates to a Live Interview on Spark Hire

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

1. Click Create new interview on your Interviews page.

2. Select the job you want the interview to be, select the Live Interview type, and click Continue.


3. If you would like to add a question set for the host to reference during the interview, you can add that here.  Here is a guide over how to do this.

4. Next, set a date and time for the interview to take place and add the candidate’s email address and name.

5. If you would like to create a link for guest users (someone who isn’t already a user on your account), click on the toggle switch beneath Allow Guests. This will generate a passcode protected link for you to send to guests after you create the interview.

6.If you have set up default email templates for Live Interview invites in your email template library, then this is the content that will be sent by default.

If you want to modify your email invitation content or choose another template, select Yes under Do you want to modify the email invitation that will be sent to your candidate(s)?

From here, you'll have the ability to customize the content or choose a new email template by clicking Select Email Template and choosing one from the modal that appears.

7. When you're ready, click Create interview and your invitation will be sent.

If you have selected to allow guests, the guest interview link will be available on the next screen to copy and send.

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