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How to create an email template

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

From your email template library, click Create new email template.




Next, select the type of email template you want to create depending on which feature you plan on using it for.


From here, you'll enter an Email Template Name. Use something descriptive so you can tell it apart from other email templates in a list.


An email template contains a few specific components:

  • Email Subject: This is the subject line of the email. 
  • Reply-to Name: This is what the recipient will see as the sender name.
  • Reply-to Email: This is what the recipient will see as the sender email.
  • Message Body: This is the content that will be merged into a defined area of the email template.

Keep in mind that these components cannot be customized for interview invite emails. A pre-set subject line ensures candidates will always know what to be on the lookout for. The reply-to information is set to Spark Hire so candidates can simply reply to the email if they need any assistance with their interview. These emails will be directed to the Spark Hire support team.


After you've completed the components above, you can preview what the email template will look like by clicking View Preview. It's a best practice to preview your email template changes before saving.


If you'd like the email template you're creating to be the default option that's loaded when performing an action for the specific feature, you can check the box that says Use as default.


When you check this box, the email template becomes the default for that specific type. This means that when you send an email that matches the type, this content is what will be used by default. If you have another default template for that type, checking the box will overwrite your default selection. You can only have one default email template per email type at a time, but do not need to specify a default. 

When you're satisfied with your email template, click Save.


Next, you will need to save the email template’s user permissions.



The setting for Everyone means that any user on the account will have access to information related to the email template.

 Manager Only

The term ‘Manager’ refers to the manager of the email template. By default, the Manager is the user that initially created the template. Administrator users can change the manager of the template at any time. If the setting for Manager only is selected, only the manager of the job along with any Administrator users will have access to information related to the template.

 Specific people

The setting for Specific people enables you to select specific users or user groups to have access to information related to the email template.


Once permissions are set, click on Create email template.


Your email template will now be available for use and will appear in your email template library. You can also come back to edit this template.


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