From your email template library, find the email template you want to edit and click the Clone icon.
After clicking this icon, a modal will appear to ask you to confirm the creation of a cloned email template.
Keep in mind that cloning an email template will clone everything about the email including the type. If you need to create content for a different type of email template, you would create a new email template.
Click Create email template in the modal. The new template will be created and you'll be taken to the page to make modifications.
The only thing that will be different between the original email template and the cloned version is the word "copy" will be appended to email template name.
From the edit page, make your desired changes and then click View Preview to make sure everything looks okay.
If you'd like the email template you're editing to be the default option that's loaded when performing an action for the specific feature, you can check the box that says Use as default.
When you check this box, the email template becomes the default for that specific type. This means that when you send an email that matches the type, this content is what will be used by default. If you have another default template for that type, checking the box will overwrite your default selection. You can only have one default email template per email type at a time, but do not need to specify a default.
When you're satisfied with the edits to your email template, click Save.
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