Spark Hire Meet Help Center

GDPR - Deleting your information

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives EU residents certain rights with regards to the deletion of their information. However, since Spark Hire is a platform that is processing data related to employment, the decision on whether or not information can be deleted remains with the businesses that you have interacted with on Spark Hire as they have different record keeping rules and regulations they must comply with.

If you're an EU resident and would like to permanently delete your information, you should visit this page when logged in to your account:

My Information

Next Steps for Deleting Your Information

Click Permanently delete information. This will open a modal which will ask you to confirm that you understand this deletion is permanent and irreversible


Once you confirm, a notification will be sent to all of the businesses you have interacted with on Spark Hire. From here, it is the responsibility of the business(es) to take action on your request. Again, any deletion that is approved is permanent and irreversible.

You can check the status of your deletion request at any time by clicking View Information Deletion Responses on this page. This will open a page with the status of the information requests with each business you have interacted with on Spark Hire.

Each of these businesses will be reminded of your request on a daily basis for up to 30 days.

Below are the statuses you can see on your information requests:

Requested: Your deletion request was sent to all of the businesses you have interacted with on Spark Hire.
Approved: Your deletion request was approved by the business it was sent to. Your interviews with this business have been queued for permanent deletion.
Denied: Your information request was denied by the business it was sent to. If you would like more information, we recommend that you follow up with the business directly.
Canceled: Your deletion request was canceled.
Expired: The 30 day window for your information request has elapsed.

Since every business has different rules and regulations they must comply with, Spark Hire is unable to permanently delete your information without each the approval of each business you've interacted with.

If you have interviews with more than one business on Spark Hire and the responses to your deletion requests are mixed between Approved and Denied, your interviews for the approved requests will be permanently deleted, but your interviews for the denied requests will be retained.

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