Spark Hire Meet Help Center

How to accept and access your video interview

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

When you receive an interview invitation email, click on the View interview invitation button provided within.

On the following page, you will be able to find more details about the job, an estimate of how long the video interview will take to complete, and the interview deadline.

In the event your deadline is not included on this page, that means the interview link provided has a relative deadline.  A relative deadline will start counting down upon accepting the interview.  You will receive an email upon accepting the interview providing the deadline.

Click on Go to your interview to continue.

If this is your first time completing a video interview through Spark Hire, you will be asked to confirm your email address and agree to the Terms of use and Privacy & Security Policies.

If you receive a message about needing to confirm your email address via email, check your inbox for a confirmation email, and click on the Confirm email button provided within.

Your interview will not immediately begin upon accepting the interview. You will be able to return back through the interview link when you're ready and have the opportunity to watch a tutorial video, check your hardware, and record some practice videos to better familiarize yourself with the recording process.


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