Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Microphone Troubleshooting

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated
If your microphone is selected and not picking up any audio, please follow the steps below:
1. Close applications other than Spark Hire that use your webcam and microphone. These applications such as Zoom, Teams, Facetime, or your device's default camera app may interfere with Spark Hire's ability to leverage your webcam and microphone.
2. Restart your computer to ensure that the camera is not being used by another application.
4. We've compiled some links for you below to troubleshoot your microphone based on your operating system.

5. If you still can't get video to work, select a different webcam to use or use an Android or iOS mobile device.

To access the interview on a mobile device, simply access the interview link you've been sent on the device you wish to use.

On Android, you will need to use Chrome, while on iOS you will need to use Safari.

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