Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Reject a candidate

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

Update: Our help article on candidate dispositions shows how to not only reject candidates, but also how to mark them as hired.

Mark a candidate as Rejected

When watching interview

You can enter a candidate disposition while evaluating an interview. From the interview evaluation form, you’ll have the option to enter a candidate disposition. To do so, click Yes and then choose Rejected.


When you mark a candidate as Rejected, you’ll be prompted to enter a rejection reason. Start typing in the input field to select an existing rejection reason or to enter a new one.

Lastly, you have the option to send an email to the candidate.

Click Save evaluation and the candidate will be marked as Rejected.

From candidate record

When viewing a candidate, you can enter a disposition per job. Choose the job you want to enter a candidate disposition for and click Update disposition.


This will open the candidate disposition form which will allow you to mark the candidate as Hired or Rejected.


From here, you’ll follow the same steps as above. When you save the disposition, you'll see the candidate disposition for the job updated to Rejected.


Bulk update candidate dispositions

When viewing a job, you’ll see a list of candidates at the bottom of the overview tab. From here, you can individually update a candidate disposition or select multiple candidates and bulk update their candidate dispositions.


If you bulk update candidate dispositions, keep in mind that the disposition information will be applied to all of the candidates you selected.

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