Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Navigating your interviews page

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated


There are multiple layouts you can use for your list of interviews.

  • Card: The card layout is the default layout. It is ideal for users who enjoy a more visual presentation.
  • Table: The row layout is better for users who are managing a large number of interviews.

You can toggle layouts by clicking the layout button and Spark Hire will remember your preference.


Above the layout toggle, you can filter based on the position by clicking on Filter by job.



Views are essentially pre-set filters. The view you're on is indicated above your interviews.

  • Inbox: This is the default view for your interviews page and it shows your most engaged candidates that need your attention. Filters are pre-applied so you see interviews that are Requested, Accepted, Completed, and Undecided.
  • All Interviews: This shows all of your interviews.
  • Recently Completed: This shows your completed interviews and is sorted so the most recently completed ones are at the top.
  • Upcoming: This shows interviews that are Requested or Accepted and is sorted so the interviews that are coming up the quickest are at the top.
  • Untagged: This shows all interviews that have not been tagged.
  • Passed: This shows interviews that you or your team has evaluated as Passed.
  • Failed: This shows interviews that you or your team has evaluated as Failed.
  • Undecided: This shows interviews that you and your team have not evaluated.
  • Deleted: This shows all of the interviews you have deleted.

You can switch between views in the right sidebar. You can also set a default view if you prefer the page to load with different filters than what are applied on the Inbox view. In addition, you can create custom views based on filters that you set yourself.

Sorting Options

You can sort your interviews by the following fields in ascending and descending order.

  • Candidate: This sorts your interviews alphabetically based on your candidates' names.
  • Completed at: This sorts your interviews by the completed timestamp.
  • Created by: This sorts your interviews alphabetically based on your the names of the users that created the interviews.
  • Job: This sorts your interviews alphabetically based on the job title that the interview is associated with.
  • Rating: This sorts your interviews by your team rating.
  • Scheduled for: This sorts your interviews by the time you scheduled the interview for.
  • Status: This sorts your interviews by their statuses.
  • Type: This sorts your interviews by their type.

In the card view, you'll sort your interviews using the sorting dropdown at the top of the page. In the table view, you'll sort your interviews by clicking the column headers of the table.


The filter bar in the right sidebar enables you to apply one or more filters to your interviews.

  • User: This filters your interviews so you can see interviews created by a specific user on your account.
  • Type: This filters your interviews by type (one-way or live).
  • Status: This filters your interviews by their status.
  • Scheduled range: This allows you to view interviews that were scheduled in a specific date range.
  • Passed: This filter will show interviews that have been marked as Passed.
  • Failed: This filter will show interviews that have been marked as Failed.
  • Undecided: This filter will show interviews awaiting an evaluation.
  • Tagged: This filter will show interviews that have been tagged.
  • Untagged: This filter will show interviews that are untagged.
  • Rated: This filter will show interviews that have been rated.

Unrated: This filter will show interviews that have not been rated.

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