Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Invite a candidate to an interview

Laura Dominoni
Laura Dominoni
  • Updated

One-Way video interviews consist of a series of questions created by recruiters that a candidate will answer on video at their convenience.

  1. There are three places in Spark Hire from where you can invite a candidate to interview:

    1. From the left-side menu, click Interviews > Create interviews.

    2. From the Interviews page, click Create new interview.

      Invite candidates to interview 1.png

    3. From the candidate’s profile, click the three dots on the far right and select Invite to interview.

      Invite candidates to interview 2.png

    Regardless of your choice, you’ll be redirected to the Create New Interview page.

  2. Select the job you want the interview to be for and the One-Way Interview type. Then, click Continue.Invite candidates to interview 3.png

  3. Choose how to invite candidates when prompted: via email, directly through Spark Hire, or as an interview link, which you can share by email, or through a website, job post, or social media. Then, click Continue.Invite candidates to interview 4.png

    💡 Tip: Learn more about creating interview links.
  4. Build your interview by creating new questions or choosing from the One-Way Interview Question Bank. Depending on your subscription plan, you may also:
  5.  When you’re happy with your interview questions, click Continue. 
  6. Set a deadline for your interview.
  7. Add candidates.
    • Users with a Pro, Team, Growth, or Enterprise subscription, can add up to 1000 candidates in bulk by uploading a CSV file. To do this, click CSV upload next to Add candidate(s) to interview, download the template, fill the columns with the relevant candidates, and upload the file.
    • Users with a Pro (at current pricing), Team, Growth, or Enterprise subscription will also have the option to send candidates updates via SMS text messages.
  8. Customize your email invitation.
    • If you have set up default email templates for one-way interview invites in your email template library, they will automatically be used as the default content for your invitations.
    • If you want to edit the email invitation content or choose another template, select Yes under Do you want to modify the email invitation that will be sent to your candidate(s)? Customize the content or choose a new email template by clicking Select Email Template and selecting one from the list.Invite candidates to interview 6.png
  9. When you're ready to finish, click Create and your invitation(s) will be sent.

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