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Restrict how long a candidate can think about their answer

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

Companies on Pro, Team, and Enterprise accounts have the ability to restrict how long a candidate can think about their answer to a question in a One-Way Interview before they're required to start recording.

Think time is a great feature for getting the most candid answers to your interview questions, but it's important to keep in mind how this impacts your candidate experience. Candidates who are unsatisfied with their response might submit a blank answer or become discouraged and abandon the interview process completely. Therefore, only use this feature if it's absolutely critical to your evaluation process.

When customizing think time, you will select a specific amount of time a candidate can think before the recorder automatically starts.

This settings is on the question-level meaning you can adjust think time from question to question.

The default setting is unlimited think time.

Once you've added a question to the interview, click the settings panel to the right of the question to drop it down.

Once the settings panel drops down, you can select a specific amount of think time. It's important to mention that when you limit the amount of time a candidate can think about their answer, you'll also be limiting them to 1 take meaning they'll need to "get it right" on their first attempt.

The think time will not only get saved for the interview you are currently creating, but if you save the questions as a question set, the think time will get saved there as well.

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