First, create the job in Spark Hire. Here’s a guide on how to do this: How to create a job
Once the job is created, in Spark Hire, as an administrator user on the account, navigate to Settings, select Integrations, locate Workday, and click on Activate Integration.
Or use this link to go to your Workday integration settings page.
On the following page, click on Configure Workday.
Next, click on Create Interview Packages.
On the Interview Packages screen, select the Spark Hire and Workday jobs you would like the interview to be created for, the Spark Hire question set you would like the candidates to respond to, and the interview deadline.
Once entered, click on Add Package.
With the interview package added, candidates who are advanced to the designated integration stage in Workday for this job will be sent an interview invitation email with which they can access and complete the video interview.
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