Spark Hire Meet Help Center

Editing a Reference Survey

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

To edit a reference survey, go to your Reference Survey Library.


Locate the survey you would like to edit and click on the Edit button.


On the following page, under the Details tab, you can make the following changes:

  1. Adjust the name of the survey
  2. Edit an individual question
  3. Re-order questions
  4. Delete questions
  5. Add additional questions


Once your edits are complete, click on Save.



Under the Permissions tab, you can adjust who can access information related to this survey.



The setting for Everyone means that any user on the account will have access to information related to the survey.


Manager Only

The term ‘Manager’ refers to the manager of the survey. By default, the Manager is the user that initially created the survey. Administrator users can change the manager of the survey at any time. If the setting for Manager only is selected, only the manager of the survey along with any Administrator users will have access to information related to the survey.


Specific people

The setting for Specific people enables you to select specific users or user groups to have access to information related to the survey.


Once your adjustments  are complete, click on Save.

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