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Creating a Reference Survey

Jason Brown
Jason Brown
  • Updated

To create a reference survey, go to your Reference Survey Library and click on Create reference survey, in the upper right hand corner.



On Step 1: Build Survey, you will need to name your reference survey and add the questions you would like the reference(s) to respond to.


There are 11 types of questions you can have references respond to.


These include:


  • Name: When this is turned on, references will be asked to confirm their name. This gives them an opportunity to make updates for name changes and/or typos.
  • Email: When this is turned on, references will be asked to confirm their email. This gives them an opportunity to make updates if they have a new email or if there's a typo.
  • Phone:. The reference will be prompted to enter a phone number.
  • Single line text: Create a question to which references will respond with a maximum of 255 characters.
  • Paragraph text: Create a question to which references will respond with a maximum of 2,000 characters.
  • Dropdown: Create a list of values from which references will select one.
  • Number: Create a question to which references will respond with a numeric value.
  • Date: Create a question to which references will respond with a date.
  • Checkboxes: Create a question to which references will respond by selecting one or more answers
  • Radio button: Create a question to which references will respond by choosing a single option from multiple choices.
  • URL: Create a question to which references will respond by entering a URL.

To add a question, select a question type from the dropdown menu, add any additional question properties (ie. the question, or answers to choose from), and click Add question.


All question types can be made required, though are optional by default.


Check the Require an answer to this question box to remove the option to skip the question.



Once all of the questions have been added, click Continue.

On Step 2: Permissions, you can set who has access to use this reference survey.



The setting for Everyone means that any user on the account will have access to information related to the survey.


Manager Only

The term ‘Manager’ refers to the manager of the survey. By default, the Manager is the user that initially created the survey. Administrator users can change the manager of the survey at any time. If the setting for Manager only is selected, only the manager of the survey along with any Administrator users will have access to information related to the survey.


Specific people

The setting for Specific people enables you to select specific users or user groups to have access to information related to the survey.




Once permissions are set, click Create survey.


With your reference survey created, you’re now ready to request references!

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