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Volume Guide: Where to add Spark Hire in your hiring process

Emily Wengert
Emily Wengert
  • Updated

Before determining where to add Spark Hire in your hiring process, we highly suggest identifying your Spark Hire use case based on the problem(s) you're aiming to solve.

Under-resourced HR teams, relative to their workload (volume,) can only do so much. They have many other responsibilities, hiring is just one of them. Under-resourced teams can only screen a certain number of people before the hiring process becomes too long.

Whether you are screening through a large number of candidates or filling numerous positions simultaneously, Spark Hire can solve your volume challenge. 

For volume challenges, we recommend implementing Spark Hire near the front end of the hiring process. We suggest after reviewing applications and resumes sending all qualified candidates a one-way interview.  

Resume Review → Spark Hire One-Way Interview

Where to add Spark Hire in the hiring process

Pros: You can advance all candidates that are qualified, widen your talent pool and significantly save time interviewing your candidates vs phone screening them. 

Let’s say you have 100 applicants and 25 are qualified on paper. We suggest advancing all 25 of these candidates to a one-way interview. As noted in the Gem data, an employer not using Spark Hire might only be advancing 8 out of 100. Comparatively, you widen your talent pool 3x in this scenario and decrease the time spent per candidate screen by 5x as compared to phone screens

Talent Pool with and without Spark Hire

Keep in mind: The earlier you place Spark Hire in your hiring process (or any screening step for that matter), the higher the drop-off rate is going to be.


  • In today’s market, many candidates are mass-applying for jobs. Once you invite candidates to continue in the hiring process, they do more research. They might discover that they aren’t interested in the job/organization for whatever reason. This is removing candidates who were never interested in the first place.
  • There will be some percentage of your applicants that received another offer shortly after applying to you or decided to stay with their existing employer.

Many organizations view this drop-off as a good thing because it prevents you from investing time and energy into candidates who are not engaged and/or interested.

With a wider talent pool because of Spark Hire, you’re less impacted by this drop-off than other employers.

Some candidate drop-off can be prevented with how you involve your team and engage your candidates.

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